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Updated: Aug 29, 2021

July 15, 2020 Guest Post hosted on Rob Kent's Middle Grade Ninja Blog

There’s something about swimming laps that gets my creative juices flowing. When I first start the warm-up, my mind is the proverbial blank slate. Then a solution to something I’ve been working on suddenly pops in my head: a title, scene, chapter cliffhanger, character name, or plot twist for my WIP. And for the rest of my swim, I employ every strategy I know (including mnemonics and you name it) NOT to forget my (possibly) brilliant insight.

So while I most certainly do write underwater in my head, I don’t actually write underwater.

I know my day for underwater writing is coming. A friend who also swims has a device that allows him to listen to podcasts and audiobooks underwater. I'm getting close, but I'm not there yet.

Instead, after I swim the first place I go is . . . the front pocket of my swim bag. This is where I keep paper and pen so I can capture any productive thoughts. Like the following logline for my debut fantasy-adventure, Trident, finalized (in my head) in the pool back in 2018:

After Richard Tomlin’s new swim goggles transport him to Atlantis, the 12-year-old is thrust into a war to save the Lost City and the planet.

Not a bad yield for a 50-minute workout.

When not swimming, I’m busy with a hundred other things, like every overscheduled person on the planet these days. I had to be creative and smart about finding time to write my book. Here’s how I got to the finish line with Trident, without getting divorced, losing my day job, or being reported for child neglect (proud mom of three kids, one with special needs).

1. Make daily writing a #1 priority – The only way to tap into your story’s flow, and stay there, is to write every day. It’s okay if you don’t write much, but do make it a habit. Even busy people can find 15 minutes every day to write.

2. Read, read, read some more – Beg, buy or borrow every bestseller, locally popular, and well-reviewed book in your genre you can get your hands on. This is especially important for first-time authors. You’ll learn from and be motivated by the quality of writing. Busy folks can make time to read during breakfast or before bed, or listen to an audiobook on the treadmill.

3. Set deadlines/writing goals – Especially when you’re swamped, it’s easy to push off daily “To Do’s” deemed unnecessary for basic survival, like writing. To hold yourself accountable, set your top writing goal for the coming year and make it challenging (e.g., self-publish novel by December 1st). Now back up and break this big, hairy writing and publishing goal into manageable phases, giving each phase a deadline (e.g., finish chapter 20 by end of July). Be sure to WRITE DOWN your big goal and interim deadlines. And honestly assess your progress every 3 months. In the end, organizing this way compels busy you to focus and work more efficiently.

4. Join a writers group – These groups meet regularly, often monthly. You are expected to bring your WIP to every meeting, forcing steady writing. But it’s not a huge time commitment, plus the encouragement and feedback is invaluable.

5. Listen to conversations – When you’re waiting for your coffee order, spy on the pod of tweens in line in front of you—not in a creepy way, but to eavesdrop the language they use, learn what topics are vital to them, and observe how they interact. It’s research while you wait.

6. Carry a notepad – Keep one in your car, one in your swimming/workout bag, one downstairs in your house and one upstairs, one in your briefcase, one in your lunchbox, one next to your shower, one adjacent to any other place you might sit while in the bathroom, one in your, well, you get the idea. Write your ideas as soon as you have them or they will be lost in the ensuing chaos—an extraordinarily frustrating experience.

(Full notepad-carrying disclosure: I acknowledge my reliance on old-school paper and pen is probably atypical. But I can’t use my phone to take notes after I swim; it would get wet. And phones are not allowed on deck when I work as a swim coach.)

7. Invest in a light-up pen – A genius invention for writers who brainstorm while sleeping, and need to capture ideas ASAP when they jolt awake before sunrise or in the middle of the night. One click activates a mini flashlight that writes, sparing the person sleeping next to you (see divorce reference above) the bright light (bulb) of inspiration. It also circumvents taking nighttime notes via phone which can, in turn, lead to peeking at stressful, non-sleepy work emails.

8. Take a break – When writing feels like a slog, and you’re truly stuck, body movement is proven to enhance creativity. Get up and stretch, take a short walk, grab a shower. It’s worth the extra few minutes. Then sit your butt back down in the chair and write for 15.

This week I had my first pool workout since the COVID-19 quarantine. So let’s circle back to swimming. Better still, think of what makes you feel good—singing, baking, running, meditation, yoga—and build it into your weekly schedule. It may turn out to be your most productive writing time.

Ann Searle Horowitz was a high school All American swimmer, and is a mother of multiples. She admits to knowing far too much about goggles and the twin bond, both of which provided inspiration for Trident. When not working on its sequel, she coaches YMCA swimming, plays team tennis, and hangs out with her husband and three kids at their home just outside of New York City.

As a young reader Ann could often be found in her basement fort, bingeing on Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys mysteries. Now she can be found online at

Twelve-year-old Richard Tomlin has almost given up on finding his dad. Instead, he focuses all of his energy on being the youngest swimmer ever on his team to qualify for Junior Olympics.

But everything changes when his new goggles transport him to the Lost City of Atlantis!

Confronting shapeshifters and dark magical forces, Richard channels his inner science geek and the power of positive thinking to stay alive. As he struggles to tame the magic of his goggles, his strong-willed twin, Lucy, finds a way to join him under the sea, and the siblings are thrust into the War of Generations.

To win the war—and save the planet—Richard must embrace his role in an ancient prophecy. Problem is, the prophecy appears to predict his own death. So what’s a warrior to do?

Trident, written for readers age 8-12, and building an unanticipated but welcome adult following, is available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook on Amazon at

And on the shelves at Arcade Booksellers in Rye, NY.

Writer's picture: Ann Searle HorowitzAnn Searle Horowitz

Updated: Aug 29, 2021

June 24, 2020 Interview from Carpinello's Writing Pages by Cheryl Carpinello

Please welcome MG Fantasy author Ann Searle Horowitz to Carpinello's Writing Pages.

Here's a bit about Ann:

I was a high school All American swimmer. I’m also a mother of multiples. So no surprise when I admit to knowing far too much about goggles and the twin bond, both of which provided inspiration for Trident. When I’m not working on its sequel, I coach YMCA swimming, play team tennis, and hang out with my husband and three kids at our home just outside of New York City. As a young reader I could often be found in my basement fort, bingeing on Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys mysteries.

Why did you choose to write for MG?

My twin sons, who just turned 21, were huge fans of the fantasy-adventure genre. When they were in elementary school, they were ready for MG stories before they were capable of reading them themselves. I read the Harry Potter series and then Christopher Paolini’s Inheritance cycle (starting with Eragon) to them every night and became addicted to middle grade. I continued reading the genre after my sons were able to read it on their own. Writing it felt like the next logical step.

What types of books do you like to read, and what do you do when you are not writing?

I’m a voracious reader of all genres (usually two books going at once—one stays upstairs, one downstairs), but especially love psychological thrillers and mysteries: current mystery author faves include John Verdon, Camilla Lackberg, and Louise Penny.

When I’m not writing, I enjoy my job coaching a YMCA swim team, as well as playing team tennis in several leagues. I’m also an internet tech start-up advisor for a tennis app that’s about to launch worldwide, and a student of Tai Chi.

Tell us about Trident and how the story came to be.

Like many authors before me, I followed Mark Twain’s advice to “write what you know” with Trident.

Some story ideas came from people and experiences in my own life: Trident is about a competitive swimmer; its protagonists are twins. And Richard’s goal at the beginning of the book is to qualify for the Junior Olympics, which my son competed in during high school. An important theme in Trident is pulled from my involvement as an athlete and as a coach: Positive affirmations. Athletes use these all the time to achieve out-of-reach goals. In Trident, Richard uses them to save his life. But the story isn’t all about my experiences—not even close. Richard and his twin, Lucy, are named after characters from 50s TV sitcom I Love Lucy. And I definitely haven’t been attacked by a shapeshifter—yet. Trident’s main story and setting inspiration came from two subjects that intersect right at my mythology nerd sweet spot: The Greek god, Poseidon, and the Lost City of Atlantis.

Although written for readers age 8-12, Trident is building an unanticipated but welcome adult following.

Here's a peek at Trident:

Twelve-year-old Richard Tomlin has almost given up on finding his dad. Instead, he focuses all of his energy on being the youngest swimmer ever on his team to qualify for Junior Olympics. But everything changes when his new goggles transport him to the Lost City of Atlantis! Confronting shapeshifters and dark magical forces, Richard channels his inner science geek and the power of positive thinking to stay alive. As he struggles to tame the magic of his goggles, his strong-willed twin, Lucy, finds a way to join him under the sea, and the siblings are thrust into the War of Generations. To win the war—and save the planet—Richard must embrace his role in an ancient prophecy. Problem is, the prophecy appears to predict his own death. So what’s a warrior to do?

How do you go about researching for your stories?

For Trident, I re-read the myths of the Lost City of Atlantis and Poseidon that I had devoured as a middle school reader, read Plato’s dialogues that mention Atlantis, and sorted through conflicting theories penned by diverse scholars about the Lost City. I also read every picture book about Atlantis that I could get my hands on.

Have you written other books? If so, tell us a bit about them.

Trident is my debut novel. However, other published work includes essays in parenting magazines, and short stories for children.

What’s next for your writing? Are you working on a new story?

I started writing the sequel before Trident was published; the positive momentum carried me from one story to the next. But due to a last-minute change I made to the ending of Trident, I’m now re-writing early parts of the sequel, in which Richard’s sister, Lucy, has her own heroic adventure.

What advice do you have for other authors?

First, write short stories or articles to practice your craft, and submit them to print and online magazines; they have word count requirements that force you to become a better editor. Second, write what you’re passionate about, and use your own life experiences to create authenticity.

Anything else you want readers to know?

Before signing off, I’ll leave you with some fun then-and-now trivia. Then: Fishermen in the ancient world caught tuna with a (you guessed it) trident. Cool, right? Now: People still believe that Atlantis was real. And people keep looking for it, somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.

Where can readers find you and your books?

Visit for short stories, trivia, events, and fun facts about Trident.


Amazon Barnes & Noble And on the shelves at Arcade Booksellers in Rye, NY.

Writer's picture: Ann Searle HorowitzAnn Searle Horowitz

Updated: Jul 20, 2020

June 24, 2020 Interview from Strands of Thought Blog by Kai Strand

Today we are visited by middle grade author, Ann Searle Horowitz. Ann is here to talk to us about her book, Trident.

Ann, can you tell us about yourself?

I was a high school All American swimmer. I’m also a mother of multiples. So no surprise when I admit to knowing far too much about goggles and the twin bond, both of which provided inspiration for Trident. When I’m not working on its sequel, I coach YMCA swimming, play team tennis, and hang out with my husband and three kids at our home just outside of New York City.

As a young reader I could often be found in my basement fort, bingeing on Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys mysteries. Now I can be found online at

Kai: Tell us about your book.

Twelve-year-old Richard Tomlin has almost given up on finding his dad. Instead, he focuses all of his energy on being the youngest swimmer ever on his team to qualify for Junior Olympics.

But everything changes when his new goggles transport him to the Lost City of Atlantis!

Confronting shapeshifters and dark magical forces, Richard channels his inner science geek and the power of positive thinking to stay alive. As he struggles to tame the magic of his goggles, his strong-willed twin, Lucy, finds a way to join him under the sea, and the siblings are thrust into the War of Generations.

To win the war—and save the planet—Richard must embrace his role in an ancient prophecy. Problem is, the prophecy appears to predict his own death. So what’s a warrior to do?

Trident, my debut fantasy-adventure for readers age 8-12, is available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook on Amazon at

And on the shelves at Arcade Booksellers in Rye, NY.

Kai: What inspired you to write Trident.

Believe it or not, inspiration began at age three. My parents took me on a multi-day canoe and camping trip, handing me my own mini paddle when we launched on day #1. We took the trip with close family friends; I‘ve watched home movies of their daughter and me doing something called "the Kool Aid dance" around a campfire at night. It all looks very Lord of the Flies.

"WHAT were your parents thinking," you might ask, "taking a three year old on such a trip?"

Whatever it was, they ignited my lifelong love of all things water and water sport, which included a competitive swimming career from age seven through college and into adulthood. My most recent job? Coach of a YMCA swim team.

The first time I had success with writing was in fifth grade. I won an essay contest and a tree was planted in front of my elementary school as an award. I got to dig the first shovelful of dirt while the local paper took a picture. I felt like a real writer, and I really liked the feeling!

These two early passions—water and writing—finally came together in Trident.

Some story ideas came from people and experiences in my own life: Trident is about a competitive swimmer; its protagonists are twins. And Richard’s goal at the beginning of the book is to qualify for the Junior Olympics, which my son competed in when he was in high school.

An important theme in Trident is pulled from my involvement as an athlete and as a coach: Positive affirmations. Athletes use these all the time to achieve out-of-reach goals. In Trident, Richard uses them to save his life.

But the story isn’t all about my experiences—not even close. Richard and his twin, Lucy, are named after characters from 50s TV sitcom I Love Lucy. And I definitely haven’t been attacked by a shapeshifter—yet.

Trident’s main story and setting inspiration came from two subjects that intersect right at my mythology nerd sweet spot: The Greek god, Poseidon, and the Lost City of Atlantis.

Here’s the myth:

Back in the day, Poseidon’s brothers, Zeus (ruler of the earth), and Hades (ruler of the Underworld, a.k.a. the world of the dead), both had special cities.

Poseidon was pretty steamed about this.

At long last, the people of Atlantis chose Poseidon as their patron god.

Poseidon's ten sons ruled Atlantis wisely, but their sons and grandsons didn't.

Atlantis went from being the world's greatest civilization to the worst.

When the people of Atlantis forgot to worship Poseidon, the sea god lost it.

He used his trident to start a catastrophic earthquake, sinking Atlantis beneath the ocean waves.

Before signing off, I’ll leave you with some fun then-and-now trivia.

Then: Fishermen in the ancient world caught tuna with a (you guessed it) trident. Cool, right?

Now: People still believe that Atlantis was real. And people keep looking for it, somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.

Kai: Where can readers connect with you?

My website is Visit for short stories, trivia, events, and fun facts about Trident.


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